OPW respects its workers. They are the key to our success, and we work hard to help them know how to play their part in our team and to feel competent to do their job. To enhance our worker care we have developed the first illustrated crop worker handbook in Australia.
We know that workers need extra support because they are away from home and the challenge of succeeding in Australia can be intimidating. The handbook is one example of how we invest in training for workers and team leaders to help them succeed at work.
We partnered with Creative Contracts, who developed the world’s first comic contract, and we are the first company to work with them to produce training material for workers in Australia.
We hope this innovation will ensure our workers feel fully informed about their rights and responsibilities, in terms they can easily understand, when they come to Australia as Seasonal Workers.
For farmers new to the Seasonal Worker Program, the handbook helps clarify their responsibilities to workers. Ask us for a copy.